We are, in what many would say, facing the most important Presidential election ever. While this has been said before, perhaps this time it truly is the most important election ever even President Donald Trump has said this in his most recent rallies. But why? Because as I stated in my column in the June issue of Andrew Magazine, we are living in a post constitutional government. We have all come to learn thanks to President Trump that the majority of MSM is in fact-controlled propaganda funded to a large degree by big Pharma and we know what they are
Was the election of 2020 stolen by both foreign and domestic enemies and thus an act of war was declared against America? And so we have responded. We are under a wartime command structure. Presently a covert war but nonetheless a war. The war of wars for all of humanity. It’s a military operation. Consider this. The military grade bioweapon was released out of the Wuhan laboratories followed by the “Genocide Jab” and the locking down of a nation. Crimes against humanity. There is an invasion at the unprotected border with millions and millions crossing then infiltrating which of course