The deficit of information and accurate truthful information is a part of the problem but to a degree a part of the plan. Watch and share this important broadcast. The remaining months of 2024 will be more than challenging to come to grips with. 

  • Just who is Pascal Najadi? How to make sense of his recent statements, Regular? Irregular?
  • The war is real and underway – Global Defense war is in its final phase
  • What’s real and what’s not on the assassination attempt on President Trump
  • More pain to come is a foregone conclusion – global martial war? Center of gravity is key to winning this war
  • “Trust the plan” – Trust the plan explored in some detail. Do your part
  • Movies in the can now being released- using their own tools against them
  • Riccardo weighs in on potential election on November 5th
  • Truth has to be told to you by the same people who told you the lies 
  • Elon has long been gone – The Elon Musk replacement helping us toward victory – Trust the plan
  • Protect family essentials to survive and silver for those with investable assets – feed your neighbors too
  • Learn what we can learn from AustraliaOne Party with Riccardo Bosi – Take back your nation

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Global Defense War

Protect your assets with Silver & Gold Economist Kirk Elliott