- “We captured a beachhead” – A tremendous victory and rally point but the conflict is not over
- Broader mission – Removal of the Federal Reserve and removal of the Central Banking system around the world – Ending human trafficking
- Potential Significant attack looming
- Our enemies have at least another 70 days to deploy efforts against us
- Watch November 13th
- What’s up with the Clintons and Obamas? – Stay tuned
- Brunson case the biggest arrow in the quiver – cleaning the sitting swamp in one fell swoop – And the best time to have this case heard
- Q – What’s next lawfully and constitutionally reference the 2020 reveal of the theft
- Cease and desist post from DJT – will lead to long term prison sentences and will un earth more crimes
- Sleeper cells are here – Pocket activation of attacks leading to unrest potential big event – the next 70 + days be vigilant – US Military actively monitoring these activities
- EBS may be activated at some point in time – A huge justification would be needed to activate EBS which may happen in DC
- Overnight market collapse could trigger the EBS
- Washington monument is a frequency weapon of war a target for enemy attack
- DJT addresses a missile defense shield – Why? DJT says we will “rebuild DC and make it beautiful again. Why rebuild? What’s going to happen that requires a “rebuild”
- Potential war on Korean peninsula
- Entire Epstein will be made public according to Elon Musk
- Escalating levels of exposure and then action in such exposure
- 80% of operations remain covert for a while
- Whitehouse was used as a tribunal, prison and execution Chambers over past four years – Russia and China also holding Tribunals
- Liz Cheney and BHO will be exposed tried and will be public according to a DJT Truth posting
- Cloning human beings happening in underground bases a fact since 1938
- Doubles masks and decoys discussed whose not who we think they are Harris and Biden are masked
- Biden funeral and the three cannon send off
- Axis of evil newly and properly redefined
- Are Russia and China coordinating with DJT against the NWO?
- BRICS has removed the use of the petrodollar – Treasuries being offloaded
- Will a military conflict in the Pacific region trigger a market meltdown?
- Will affect Japan – watch Japan
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