A Nation in Crisis

July 13, 2024
6 mins read

We are, in what many would say, facing the most important Presidential election ever. While this has been said before, perhaps this time it truly is the most important election ever even President Donald Trump has said this in his most recent rallies. But why? Because as I stated in my column in the June issue of Andrew Magazine, we are living in a post constitutional government. 

We have all come to learn thanks to President Trump that the majority of MSM is in fact-controlled propaganda funded to a large degree by big Pharma and we know what they are up to. We have learned sadly that the justice department has been deployed as a weapon against its adversaries, and we the people. Look at all they have done to President Trump from the escalator in 2015 to the Southern District Courts of New York in 2024. We have Steve Bannon facing jail time, the attempted shakedown and takedown of Mayor Rudy Guiliani, Peter Navarro serving time and the horrific conditions of the J6ers. Yes, a tyrannical post Constitutional government my friends and fellow patriots. Remember President Trump reminds us, they are coming after you and me and he is in the way. Vote wisely. Inspire others to do so. 

Is America approaching a near death experience? Think it’s been tough thus far? Watch out between now and November 5th. Why because the deep state, the Democrats and the global cabal network are out of effective ammunition. Consider these random media clip transcriptions. FEMA Camps for American Dissidents?

Katie Couric:How are we going to, really, almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump? Narrator:This document is called FM3-39.40, Internment and Resettlement Operations, and it’s a comprehensive manual issued by our very own Department of the Army. 

MSNBC Host:There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republican, who somehow need to be deprogrammed. Narrator:But here’s where it gets interesting: Buried within the dense military jargon and procedural detail is a framework that could, under certain circumstances, be applied domestically. Yes, you heard that right. This manual provides guidance that is adaptable to various operational environments, including, potentially, right here at home. There is much more. You can view this by going to Rumble search for Alexandra Bruce’s channel.

Our country bit by bit through infiltration, corruption, the advent of computerized voting, coupled with the rigged and stolen election of 2020 we find ourselves instead of living in the land of the free, living in a woke world of insanity with the boots of tyranny pressed upon our throats. But remember this. We know who they are, we know where they are, and we know what they have done. There is no place to hide and no place to run. Their time is up and they know it. Check out last month’s article in my column titled “Trump Declares Global Defense War”.

So, yes this is the most important Presidential election year ever which will in my opinion, determine whether we have a country, a Constitutional Republic or not.  This one, as the old expression goes, is for “all the marbles” make no mistake about it. With only four months remaining at the time of the authorship of this article, we are faced with unprecedented circumstances just prior to the General Election. Let’s have a look.

We know that the mockingbird media only shows us what they want us to see, a fair statement wouldn’t you say? After all they to a large degree control, through six major corporations, the narrative. So how and why would they let this one slip away? In this one man’s opinion, and I stated this in many of my speeches over the past three years at the General Flynn, Clay Clark Reawaken tour, we the good guys, the white hats if you will, have seized control over the MSM narrative to a degree. Slowly and increasingly over time. I’ll leave this type of speculation for another time as the rabbit holes here go widespread and quite deep. You can go there if you like by exploring all the content at www.StormIsUponUs.com

With Joe Biden’s well anticipated embarrassing display at the recent debate with President Donald Trump, the world has come to see center stage the cognitive issues facing Joe Biden. With debate polls favoring Trump 67% to Biden 33%, the DNC along with the fake news mainstream media, are in full scale panic and scramble mode. The Democrats and media are in a coordinated deflect and defend mode of operation while they try to sort out the last-minute debacle, they find themselves in.

What are some possible outcomes? Will Biden remain the Democrat nominee? Will the process of the 25th amendment soon be underway? One would assume that Vice President Kamala Harris would be next in line but besides the fact that she would be a disastrous candidate for President, there may be legal and Constitutional challenges to this considering birth right issues. Is it too late to remove Biden and replace him with say Governor Newsom? A return of Hillary Clinton? How about the submergence of Michele Obama (Big Mike) as suggest by Roger Stone? If this does not get sorted out for one reason or another, will speaker of the House Mike Johnson fill the seat until sorted out? Quite possibly, keep reading. Let us not forget the fact that President Trump has been convicted of thirty-four felony charges (in a rigged witch hunt) and could be facing jail time. Yes, we are in a moment of crisis of magnitude and the world is watching. Well then what are the possible scenarios to be played out here? 

We are now down to the final months before the Presidential election. While there is talk in certain circles about moving election day forward meaning before November 5, I do not see that happening. I’ll take that one step further. I see the election being delayed. Why? The Democrats are in meltdown mode at the eleventh hour without a prayer for an electable candidate. In conclusion here, simply speculation, if I were a lying, stealing, cheating Democrat or the Deep State evil global cabal, I would be fearing for my life as we are under a wartime command structure and military tribunals are swift and the penalty for treason is death. With the theft of a nation in the 2020 elections, the bioweapon genocidal jab, sex, child, and human trafficking, they have much to fear should Donald J. Trump win the 2024 election of which they know he will win once again in an unprecedented landslide

If you care to further understand just how far they will go, I encourage you to follow me on my Rumble channel and watch the episode dated June 20, 2024, titled “Attacks on The Homeland – Disruptions and Destruction” with Juan O’Savin. Like a cornered animal the deep state is desperate. Desperate and destructive measures are imminent.

The Republicans may consider rolling the dice since this election may be “to big to rig”, but there is great risk in taking this chance albeit true. Once you come to understand the condition of America under attack between September and November, you may come to the same conclusion as me. The election for a host of reasons will more than likely be delayed. Just how this all plays out only God knows. I do see the potential for utilization of the EBS (emergency broadcast system), and COG, (continuity of government in play) until dangers subside and we are able to move forward with free and fair elections. When able, get out and vote! I will say this, Trump and the military white hats have been playing 5 D chess and check mate is coming.

A nation in crisis and you have a date that will be pivotal, Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The gloves are off. We are at war and living now in a post constitutional, tyrannical government that over the years has been taken over by both foreign and domestic enemies on our watch. This spiritual battle rages on. It’s good vs. evil. It’s either us or them. In the end we win they lose. 

So, unite in truth not in politics nor religion and then fight for what’s right as though your life depends upon it, because it does. We are at the cusp of biblical events that will rock the rafters of this world. Confront it. Let the ways of our past go. Pray. “Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil”. Embrace the truth and help to create a new world, one that God intended for us all. We are on God’s side and God always wins. Free will? Use it wisely. Do your part.

John Michael Chambers

A Voice for Our Times


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