Derek Johnson known to many as RattleTrap1776, roared onto the scene and forever changed the status quo of the “political spectrum”. His globally viral ‘Rant’ one early fall afternoon in the middle of nowhere, on the side of an Alabama backroad connected the dots for what was amiss in our great nation. With his extensive military background and generations of military men in his family dating back to the Revolutionary War, Derek has lived the stories of generations of military laws and orders literally making him an expert on the subject. 

With the left-wing media painting one picture, and the right-wing media painting another… majority of Podcasters, independent media, independent journalists and Americans were simply floundering and spewing the obvious of the “2020 Stolen Election” and riling people up about J6 to countless other predictions that never came true. What ‘they’ thought was the obvious… wasn’t.

With Military and Federal Laws and Orders in chronological order along with Military Regulations, Customs, Optics, and Comms, typically overlooked by majority, Derek proves to us that the military is in control and that Donald J Trump is our commander in Chief.

Derek is also an accomplished country singer, and songwriter with his own successOf the long History of Country Music… only ONE artist can claim the title of shattering Country Music and Billboard History… welcome to Derek Johnson Country!
Derek is best known for his two Billboard Hits “Real Cool Kinda Hot” and “Right Beer Right Now” that scored the strappin’ Texan back-to-back hits on Billboard Country Airplay, the top chart in Country Music. 
Of the long History of Country Music… only ONE artist can claim the title of shattering Country Music and Billboard History… welcome to Derek Johnson Country!
Derek is best known for his two Billboard Hits “Real Cool Kinda Hot” and “Right Beer Right Now” that scored the strappin’ Texan back-to-back hits on Billboard Country Airplay, the top chart in Country Music. 
Derek can be found on 
Truth Social.  Rattletrap 1776
Telegram.     Rattletrap 1776
X.   Derek Johnson ( blue check)


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AUGUST 27, 2024 - A Nation of Laws and Orders
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AUGUST 26, 2024 - Controlled Operation
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AUGUST 23, 2024 - No Small Talk
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AUGUST 22, 2024 - Military Occupation
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AUGUST 21, 2024 - 45-47
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AUGUST 20, 2024 - When We Get to the Other Side
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AUGUST 19, 2024 - Restore Law and Order
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AUGUST 16, 2024 - The Great Liberation
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AUGUST 15, 2024 - Power Of the People
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AUGUST 13, 2024 - Common Law
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AUGUST 13, 2024 - Common Law
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AUGUST 12, 2024 - The Right Side of History
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AUGUST 9, 2024 - An Arlington Cemetary Funeral
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AUGUST 8, 2024 - Correspondence With Foreign Leaders
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AUGUST 7, 2024 - If Joe Biden Was President
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AUGUST 6, 2024 - Playing Chess
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AUGUST 2, 2024 - Title 50 Amended
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AUGUST 1, 2024 - Trump’ s Massive Military Backing
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JULY 31, 2024 - Covert Operations
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JULY 30, 2024 - That’s a Loaded Question Jeb
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JULY 29, 2024 - Trump Puts His Words In Action
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JULY 26, 2024 - The King Is Stalemate
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JULY 25, 2024 - Trump Endorsed HCQ
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JULY 24, 2024 - Why Would Biden Extend Trump’s Orders?
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JULY 23, 2024 - Consent of the Governed
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JULY 22, 2024 - Trump Puts His Words In Action
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JULY 19, 2024 - Don’t Follow The Drama
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JULY 18, 2024 - The Great Liberation
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JULY 17, 2024 - The People Aren’t Ready Yet
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JULY 16, 2024 - 25th Amendment
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JULY 15, 2024 - Capitulation
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JULY 11, 2024 - Sometimes You Have to Play the Bad Guy
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JULY 11, 2024 - You Gotta Listen to Your Coach
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JULY 10, 2024 - Hang On
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JULY 09, 2024 - The Logan Act
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JULY 08, 2024 - Remember Angela Merkle
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JULY 05, 2024 - The Presidential Records Act
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JULY 04, 2024 - Americans Witnessed the Setup
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JUL 03,2024 - You Didn’t Listen
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JUL 02,2024 - Federalized National Guard
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JUL 01,2024 - The Pause