Riccardo Bosi

Who is Riccardo Bosi?
Riccardo Bosi is a:
  • published author and speaker,
  • international business consultant,
  • former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel, and
  • National Leader of AustraliaOne Party Incorporated.
He is a first generation Australian of Italian World War 2 refugees who arrived in 1951.
Riccardo served 24 years in the Australian Army including postings to the Special Air Service Regiment, the 1st Commando Regiment, Headquarters Special Operations and the US Combined Joint Task Force Headquarters in Kuwait.
He retired in 2004 when he established his firm, Lionheart Australasia, which consults to major corporates on leadership, strategy and innovation.
Internationally Riccardo has consulted on business continuity in the gas and oil industry in Italy, Pakistan, Thailand and the Philippines.
In 2010 Riccardo and his wife moved to the United Arab Emirates when he was contracted to advise their Special Operations Command. He developed high level strategy and capability development frameworks and also led the training of UAE Special Forces soldiers to fight the ‘War on Terror’ and deployed with them to Afghanistan in 2012.
During this time his wife gave birth to their two daughters in Abu Dhabi.
Since his return to Australia in 2014, Riccardo continued consulting and in addition undertook the role of primary caregiver to his family while his wife underwent three years of chemotherapy to treat her multiple sclerosis.
Riccardo, his wife and a team of dedicated volunteers are creating AustraliaOne, a political organisation which will meet the neglected needs of the ‘silent and silenced majority’ of the Australian people.
Riccardo is happily married and has three wonderful children.


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AUGUST 26, 2024 - What Do You Want To Achieve
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AUGUST 27, 2024 - Focus On the Filth
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AUGUST 23, 2024 - UN Predicted Population Decline
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AUGUST 22, 2024 - Facial Recognition Photos
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AUGUST 21, 2024 - The Right Leadership
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AUGUST 20, 2024 - Stop Lookng For Heroes
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AUGUST 19, 2024 - Facial Recognition of Kids
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AUGUST 16, 2024 - The People Have to Want It
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AUGUST 15, 2024 - The Scare Event (warning violence)
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AUGUST 14, 2024 - The Puzzle Q
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AUGUST 13, 2024 - Center of Gravity
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AUGUST 12, 2024 - Moving Into The Light
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AUGUST 9, 2024 - Critical Times
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AUGUST 8, 2024 - Donald Trump Must be Accepted
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AUGUST 7, 2024 - A Safety Net
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AUGUST 6, 2024 - Please Help Us
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AUGUST 2, 2024 - Courage Is Love
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AUGUST 1, 2024 - Perseverance Is Key
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JULY 31, 2024 - Square Peg In A Round Hole
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JULY 30, 2024 - Psychologically Prepared
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JULY 29, 2024 - Just In Case