“We have MASSIVE momentum now as time goes by those that still deny ALL that is happening (including Q, will not only be a minority but also on the wrong side of history. They will never end and ramping up and sticking to a false narrative about all they will
Simply put, I do a radio program and podcast. I would love to have you as a possible guest. The program looks at world events with a view toward scripture.
All of us have lost friends and relatives merely because we would not be silenced and continued spreading the word. In that respect we will never be restored and made whole. Those people will dance out of their holes pretending to be hurricaine patriots as soon as reality exposes their stupidity. But FORGIVE THEM AFTER 30 YEARS OF INSULTS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Dare WE remind them of their rejections and insults? I will call them Tories. Because that fits.
I began researching the Cabal, the culture war against Americans, and the deep state, in 1994. I did this in collaboration with Sarkis Atamian, once an Amenian freedom fighter, and my retired professor of Sociology. I remember his prophetic words: “Marvin, you will be reviled.” In the end, that was an understatement. Christians called me “undedicated,” while the radical left tried to destroy my business.
And some family turned away from me. Family and friends thought I was a crank.
All of us have lost friends and relatives merely because we would not quit digging out the truth, or even be silenced. Instead, I continued spreading the word.
In thisbrespect we will never be restored and made whole. And those who turned on us may soon dance out of their holes pretending to be hurricaine patriots as soon as reality exposes their stupidity.
But FORGIVE THEM AFTER 30 YEARS OF INSULTS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Dare WE remind them of their rejections and insults? I will call them Tories. Because that fits, and WE have defended their freedom without pay.
I began researching the Cabal, the culture war against Americans, and the deep state, in 1994. I did this in collaboration with Sarkis Atamian, once an Amenian freedom fighter, and my retired professor of Sociology. I remember his prophetic words: “Marvin, you will be reviled.” In the end, that was an understatement. Christians called me “undedicated,” while the radical left tried to destroy my business.
And some family turned away from me. Family and friends thought I was a crank.
All of us have lost friends and relatives merely because we would not quit digging out the truth, or even be silenced. Instead, I continued spreading the word.
In this respect we will never be restored and made whole. And those who turned on us may soon dance out of their holes pretending to be hurricaine patriots as soon as reality exposes their stupidity.
But FORGIVE THEM AFTER 30 YEARS OF INSULTS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Dare WE remind them of their rejections and insults? I will call them Tories. Because that fits, and WE have defended their freedom without pay.