My buddy’s nickname is White Hat because he’s always texting stuff he finds on Telegram. The vast majority of the accounts he follows, such as JFK and Marilyn Monroe, are clearly fake but he believes they are real and he believes the White Hats are in Control message they are sharing which includes everyone evil has been tried for treason and executed, literal underground wars are ending human trafficking and it’s only a matter of time until the good guys announce that they have been in control all along and, in the meantime, you should sit back, relax, make some popcorn and enjoy the show.
Being that I don’t have access to military intel, I can’t tell you if treason charges have taken place or if battles are raging below our feet, but I can tell you, with absolute certainty, a large quantity of the posts White Hat shares with me are easily provably fake news. For example, White Hat will send me Telegram posts that say “Bill Number (pick any number) Passed! Our currency will again be backed by gold by the end of the month!”. Sounds good, right? But when I run a simple internet search to look up the bill number, no such bill exists or the bill does exist but it doesn’t say anything of that nature. Like I said, easily provably fake news.