What the JFK assassination files have revealed so far — including apparent KGB probe into Lee Harvey Oswald

March 20, 2025
1 min read

NYPOST – The long-awaited release of tens of thousands of files on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy Tuesday night sparked a desperate search for new clues in the shocking 62-year-old crime — but much of the trove turned out to confirm information long known.

Gerald Posner, the author of the best-selling 1993 book “Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK,” told The Post in a phone interview on Wednesday he was “about 22,000 pages” into the newly released files — but had yet to see a bombshell piece of evidence.

A June 1967 memo details how a former US Army intelligence officer, Gary Underhill, fled Washington, DC, “very agitated” the day after Kennedy was shot — and claimed to a friend that a “small clique within the CIA” was behind the assassination.

“The day after the assassination, Gary Underhill left Washington in a hurry. Late in the evening, he showed up at the home of a friend in New Jersey,” reads the memo, quoting from a story in the contemporary left-wing magazine Ramparts.


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